If you’re on an Odyssey tour, we take care of tipping so you don’t need to give it a second thought. However, in your free time, or if travelling independently, it’s essential that you make sure you tip an appropriate amount for services. Typically, in upscale dining establishments, a service charge or gratuity is included in the bill; if not, it is customary to tip approximately 10% of the total bill. To ensure that the staff directly benefits from your tip, it is recommended to hand it to them directly or leave cash on the table.
It is customary to tip service providers in hotels. For bellboys assisting with luggage, a modest gratuity ranging from 20 to 50 rupees (around $1.00) per bag is deemed appropriate. If you opt not to tip, it is advised not to accept assistance with your bags. Additionally, showing appreciation with a small gratuity for housekeeping services is not only acceptable but also warmly received.